Why so green and lonely? Everything's going to be alright, just you wait and see.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Meadow Muffin!

The episode list for season 4 of Bullshit! just came out:
  1. "The Boy Scouts" (against their discrimination of gays and atheists)
  2. "Prostitution" (pro-legalization)
  3. "The Death Penalty" (against)
  4. "Cryptozoology"
  5. "Ground Zero" and what has come from it. (Penn called it a debacle)
  6. "Pet Love" (concerns people spoiling pets with diamond dog collars, expensive food, et cetera)
  7. "Reparations" (against)
  8. "Manners"
  9. "Numbers"
  10. "Astrology"
  11. "Abstinence-only Sex Education" (against)


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